Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Last night we kissed, we each other farewell forever, never to see each other in the same way, we will not meet again. We will rely on videos, photographs, memories, and a mindful heart to reconnect, reminisce, remember.

"Strange baby...can't you see I'm looking Older?"

The lines don't firm up any more....the anti-wrinkle creams and lotions have served their purpose well. The eyes once jaundiced, clear once more...and yet something has changed...some thing is different? Worn! like a comfortable pair of jeans and a hoodie, the rips and tears proudly on display for the world to see. Even as the glaucoma sets in, the tunnel vision of youth is replaced by a Sight of a different sort. Think "Mists of Avalon", think out there beyond ideas... The heart once in shackles and fiercely protected now open, free and vulnerable to attack. Punches to the heart while not welcomed, returned or defended against are received, accepted with no resulting retaliation. Tears flow much more freely.

The time is Fall. Time is falling back an hour, on wrists, on walls and in simple minds. "Cause you're out of time...I'm letting go...I'm not the man that you want." Gone are the lovers of yesterday, replaced by the family, friends and "los companeros" of always! And yet You are still there. Gone are the night clubs, the all-nighters, the raves. Everyday life, la vie quotidian in their place. The nooks and crannies of the day hold dear. Desire, determination, ambition and fascination not lost nor abandoned but no longer frenzied; quiet. Treasure troves uncovered, slowly discovered; reside within. Humility, wisdom, compassion pave the way to Now, to a new love, a new life, a second coming?...a new romance with an old friend. "...something good has happened to me. Change is a stranger who never seems to show."

Strange baby...don't you See I'm looking Older?

Lyrics from George Michael's song "Older" waltz in my head and are used without permission but are duly noted and attributed.

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